Schlesicky stereo viewer Strohlein

Reference: #5909

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the display" Krömsköp" (in Spanish chromoscope or fotocromoscopio) (5909 id.). It is a device that, in the nineteenth century allowed to visualize scenes chromaticity based on the sensitivity of the human eye to the primary colors

Specifically, our collection is a chromoscope Schelesicky-Ströhlein made in Germany in the last third of the nineteenth century and early twentieth . Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Schelesicky was a manufacturer of stopwatches and court watchmaker to the same time. It was the first of a family saga that also displays and cameras manufactured highly valued. Among them, this chromoscope elegant mahogany

But before using this technique became widespread across Europe and the US, Frederic Eugene Ives (1856 -1937), inventor and American photographer, perfected the fotocromoscopia with which he made, among others hundreds, the only images that remain in color the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, executed with this technique.

Earlier in 1861, the British physicist James Clerk Maxwell had obtained photos with a certain color . sandwiching red, blue and green filters with the camera lens on this basis, Ives perfected technique and created the fotocromoscopio the procedure is based on the idea of ​​Maxwell:.. the first photographer took three negative with lens cover green glass, orange and violet, which then had to deal with a gelatin solution then, through the combination of these views, sensitivity of the human eye to these allowed hues create the optical sensation of color . the novelty is that the viewer Ives allowed to use ordinary transparencies in black and white and obtain images in Color

Scheme operation of the coromoscopio

the chromoscope is a Viewport glass, staggered places the three transparencies in black and white on a glass filter of red, blue and green. brightly lit from above by the reflector of the folding mirror the three images overlap and are redirected to the lenses vision through internal crystals. Thus, adjusting it manually photography can be seen color.