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estereo ISOR patented by Claudet with an original daguerreotype . Antoine Claudet was a French photographer born in the eighteenth century who worked as a disciple by Daguerre himself in London. It is considered one of the pioneers of photography . Claudet available since 1839 of a license to use the patent daguerreotype, . And just this season (mid XIX century) dates the piece at hand
So, this wonder is over 150 years old, and yet their condition is exquisite. To understand a little relevance, we have to imagine that precisely this stereo viewer as it has come down to us is what gave in his day one of the first photographers one of its customers in a study had Claudet in New York during the Civil War
As you can see in the picture, daguerreotype is of exceptional quality, and is colored in some areas . In the technique presented by Daguerre was often artists probably color hand parts using a mixture of pigments and acacia , which was placed on the developed image. Surely a laborious job that provides volume and unsurpassed beauty to the image
Claudet not only was one of the pioneers of photography, but it also made important contributions in this area : devised a method to shorten the time exhibition of daguerreotypes, was the first to use lighting artifici icial and using decorated in portraits (as seen in this daguerreotype), and the use of red light for development.
This stereo viewer is presented on a leather case dark brown you can save the daguerreotype glass delivering photographer to his client, and so viewing it directly without removing it. lenses the are mounted on a kind of bellows extends about cm to better watch the stereoscopic image