Official TVE anagrifo special glasses with his case. 2 units

    Official TVE anagrifo special glasses with his case. 2 units
    Official TVE anagrifo special glasses with his case. 2 units

2 Glasses 3-D Special Official TVE with its case - 1983 - Film Tridimensional Glasses and sleeve completely new. They were originally three glasses, we offer 2 glasses (missing 1). Originals. See pictures to know exact measurements and weight. Shipping and handling by the buyer. Ordinary Shipping: 1.80 €. Shipping certificate: 4.70 €. Save more than one article. Possibility of hand delivery in Barcelona and Gerona. domestic and international shipments. Consult tariffs abroad before buying. Income transfer, PayPal. Thank you for visiting our profile. Thanks for your visit. ZAMBURIÑAYFIODR.

Reference: #7681

  • Dating: 1983
  • Made in: brand

This week we discuss a 3D viewer that many of you will have had at home because it is . three-dimensional glasses TVE

Back in late 1983 Spanish Television announced that in early 1984, namely the day of Reyes, would issue the first film in 3D . To enjoy the right film was necessary to use red and blue glasses which went on sale months before the modest price of 125 pesetas a pack of 3 glasses. The Catalan company Promoworld was in charge of marketing these glasses, selling 1,500,000 units at all kiosks and department stores in the peninsula. In many homes instead they chose to make themselves glasses with cellophane paper and cardboard

once the long-awaited day of Reyes arrived at 13: 45h Spain whole was paralyzed in front of the TV : all looked forward to the beginning of the film with glasses on. The film in question was a western 1953: Fort Ti

The tridimensio system nal that was used in this film with two cameras recording from different angles, so that the right eye is in charge of reproducing the red and blue tones left. In the sum the two images with the glasses feel we know as 3D movement occurred. The technical name for this type of images is " anaglyph" and are based on the phenomenon of synthesis of binocular vision patented by Louis Ducos du Hauron in 1891

This technology only worked in color television sets and the truth is that then not all Spanish households had a .

it seems that first attempt caused some disappointment among viewers , who expected much more glasses those made with cellophane According to a study by Publi Consultants, after the screening in TVE of this film. 57.69% of respondents said they have not noticed any effect embossed with that movie There are even rumors that TVE failed to issue the 3D version of the film and made the regular version. ... the reality is that not see or 3D, & nbsp effect; these glasses are the memory a real event in the life of many Spanish homes (many remember) which has been reflected in the Spanish television in series like Tell Me


it is recalled that the first screening of a 3D film took place in 1915 at the Astor Theater in New York , but in the late '50s and even' 80s the 3D system for film was still far from the quality we enjoy today.