The French have always had a strong presence in the stereo field, since the stereo photography was invented. This has resulted in a number of different brands of spectators, one of which is the Colorelief. These viewers used a rectangular card with multiple images, rather than circular reels, such as those using the View-Master products. A primitive palette colored Bakelite The objectives of this viewer are close together, which makes it a little less convenient to use than other viewers, however, the objectives are of very good quality and the picture is very clear and bright. The two halves of the body are held together with bolts. It is particularly important that these viewers will not accidentally loosen the lever forward of the slide, as rising fast action can break the Bakelite box above the lever. A buying this type of display, the buyer must inspect this area closely for cracks, because a damaged Bakelite viewer is of little value. The words"" breveté S.G.D.G.G."" They are embossed in the viewfinder and often confused with the name of the manufacturer; in fact, it is the French equivalent of the English brand"" Patent"" . (SGDG du gouvernement significa'sans garantie ', which significa'sin government guarantee' in English).