The Pentax PC-330 is a compact camera viewfinder and plastic 1999. These were made for Pentax in China. This model is a variant unfocused line PC compact, focused from one meter to infinity. It is a very basic camera. The speed index is adjusted by DX coding and is only available for 35mm film ISO 100,200 and 400. All that controls the setting is speed when the flash fires or not, with a certain amount of light compared to the speed of the selected movie. The flash also give a pre-flash to reduce red-eye effects. No change of opening, which is set at f / 6.3, or shutter speed, which is set at 1/100. The goal is a triple 26mm f / 6.3, which elements are made of plastic. confusing fact: the manual says that is a target of 25 mm, while the camera itself is printed with the"" target Pentax 26mm"" . For a compact camera has a very wide lens, which makes it very popular in the community of lomography.