Ihagee - Dresden Exakta VX 1951-1953 serial number 812550 Xenon lens 50 mm F1.9 serial number 5544745 Rare US version of"" USSR Occupied"" stamped on the bottom. The camera and lens are in excellent condition and working.
Today we want to tell you about a very significant camera: Ihagee Exakta VX (id 10551.) manufactured between 1951 and 1953 in" Germany occupied by the USSR" . Photography is certainly a true reflection of the course of history, but equally, cameras that are also taken. Collection Foticos we have several models of cameras that are themselves, not just bits of history of photography, but also the events of the era in which they were created. Thus, the Exakta VX is engraved at the bottom of the phrase" Made in U.S.S.R. Ocuppied" that is, in occupied Germany by the Soviet Union
During the Cold War, the German chambers, and even of Germany in the East, they were so successful in the US, which was forced to take the mark" Germany occupied by the USSR," as this Exakta VX (the Name, addresses and he received Varex in the US and Europe), descended directly from the Kine Exakta, known as . one of the first 35mm SLR With this, was intended to discourage sales as a buyer" good American" would not buy something that was communist. But the fact is they could not prevent because of its portability and quality, this camera should become a favorite of the photographers in the 50s, among other things by the huge variety of lenses available (from 20mm to 400mm) and the many accessories available to him. Interestingly, it is this model that used James Stewart in" Rear Window" Hitchcock (1954) to spy on your neighbor.
According to scholars of the subject, there were just over 4,000 units from November 1950 to February 1951. it is remarkable that, despite the many changes by Ihagee happened company, owned by Dutchman Johan Steenbergen in Germany during Nazi Germany and World War II and post-Cold War, the Exakta system remained almost until the end d . And his days as a sign of fidelity to their consumers
But in our collection we have more bits of history like. camera miniature Japanese Vestkam (id. 528) of Taiyodo in 1949 This piece has also recorded on your body the phrase " made in Japan occupied" (made in occupied Japan." the model has Foticos, also has the additional statement" for American Homes Industries Inc" , which probably corresponds to the name of the US importer. this small camera uses film reel type Midget and takes exposures 14x14mm and shortly before the famous miniature camera HIT (id. 4604), the Mariquita Pérez. Between 1947-1951, a large part of Japanese cameras were marked with" Made in occupied Japan"