Hit mini camera (camera Mariquita Pérez)

  • Hit mini camera (camera Mariquita Pérez)
    Hit mini camera (camera Mariquita Pérez)
    Hit mini camera (camera Mariquita Pérez)
    Hit mini camera (camera Mariquita Pérez)
    Hit mini camera (camera Mariquita Pérez)
    Hit mini camera (camera Mariquita Pérez)
    Hit mini camera (camera Mariquita Pérez)
Reference: #1225

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Today we bring you an exceptional camera in Spanish history, not because made in Spain , if not because it was the chosen by the creators of the famous Mariquita Pérez to complement their works . Yes, as you have heard. Children can now have a Barbie photographer or a Barbie reporter, but as our mothers and grandmothers had in their hands a doll Mariquita Pérez tourist fully stocked with good-ons, like this miniature camera Hit manufactured in Japan

Mariquita Pérez was all a revolution in the postwar years , and was created by Leonor Coello, inspired by her daughter two years, with the intention ng that had a" personality and biography" . It became the most coveted Christmas present for girls of the age. But yes, and ra an object of the moneyed class, because each ladybug cost one hundred pesetas, the basic salary of a worker of the time, while a chubby doll cost hard

So, it's no wonder that these dolls will have a complete outfit with designer dresses with accessories care to detail ... and how not it could be otherwise, at that time, and also enjoyed his own camera. As can be seen in the photographs under these lines

The camera itself is faithful replica of the Hit miniature, created by the Japanese company Tougodo, founded in 1930. This camera (half was also manufactured in the 50s and uses film 17.5mm 35mm). In his time he had a very good acceptance, and was the first of many similar models from other manufacturers for film 17.5mm and 16mm. In fact, Man Hit Chamber popularized for all who used this kind of movie . Below these lines you can see other parts that followed in the wake of the original: