Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion

    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion
    Stanhope sewing overlooking Santander, metro and pincushion

Jewel or simply optical Stanhope Stanhope Viewer is an optical device that allows viewing of a photomicrograph without using a microscopio.1 2 A mid the twentieth century, Montserrat (and elsewhere) are coming memories (souvenirs) bringing one Stanhope built-in viewer in which you could see a landscape (eg Montserrat). They were invented by René Dagron in 1857. In 1851 John Benjamin Dancer photomicrographs invented the collodion process and a microscope become cámara.10 With that system got photomicrographs of about 3 square millimeters of area (0.0047 square inches) .11 The main disadvantage Dancer of the method was that viewing photomicrographs required a microscope at that time was an instrument caro.12 In 1857 Dagron solved the problem by inventing a method for assembling the photomicrographs to the end of a small lens cilíndrica.13 14 Dagron modified Stanhope sectioning its normally biconvex lens structure, maintaining a convex end, to refract light while which he cuts the other end with a completely flat shape so that remain just the focal plan of the lens forming convexo.2 14 side so obtained a plano-convex lens, and was able to mount microscope photography in part flat lens using Canada balsam as pegatina.2 14 This arrangement allowed to stay focused image.

Reference: #3270