It appears on the market in 1954 and is a replica of the model manufactured by Dacora in Germany. 6x6 format on film roll 120. Frontally, on the right side is written the brand Certix and left the Digna model. The camera is equipped with an optical viewfinder Galileo type, trigger button link cable, accessory shoe and drag control, all placed on top. It is supplied with a leather case type"" soon use"" and optionally they could buy for her as accessories, parasol and a yellow filter. It was sold at the price of 450 pesetas, plus 78 of the case. CAMERA BRAND CERTEX. MODEL WORTHY. WITH LEATHER. VISOR TYPE GALILEO. PURPOSE MOUNTING TELESCOPIC (MENISCUS ACHROMATIC) f: 8 / 80mm. 6x6 medium format. FILM REEL 120 MANUFACTURED IN ESPAÑA.AÑO 1954. The camera is in NORMAL CONDITION WITH SIGNS LOGICAS PASSING TIME AND USE. WORKS MECHANICALLY. It NOT TESTED WITH FILM. The case has ROCES and wear and tear. The belt is broken.