Robot II beautiful game composed of a body with serial number B 89409, a lens Schneider Xenon 40 mm / f1, 9 number 2,105,510 and a yellow filter Robot quite rare black stand in a box Robot Bakelite filtering factors. The camera performs excellently, even at high speeds. The lens is free from scratches without fungi, with traces of fog. It looks good with almost no trace on the top plate. Leather is clean and complete. No dents or impact damage. The game includes both cassettes Robot. Manufactured by Otto Berning & Co. in Schwelm, Westphalia. This steel chamber of the ingenious builder Heinz Kilfitt, of wide international circulation, had two notable features: first, a modern type of film advance with closing double exposure and close coupled blind, and secondly, a type of louver rotating multi-speed Gauthier, completely made of metal. In 1935 two versions of the robot is released: The Robot 1 and Robot 2, the robot 1 with the feature: After release for an exposure, the shutter is blocked until the shutter is cocked and the film moved with it. Both versions had the following characteristics: The film had to be loaded into a"" K-cassette"" . Having made possible the 50 exposures 24x24mm, the film is wound on a second cassette K. In 1939 the design was changed, with the viewer into the top of the camera. This design is called Robot II.