Camera Lomography Konstruktor

  • Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor
    Camera Lomography Konstruktor

The first camera Do-It-Yourself (DIY) OF THE WORLD The Konstruktor is a camera kit 35mm film SLR bayonet lens 50mm Lomography. The Konstructor comes as a kit that the buyer must assemble itself. The kit includes the parts for the body and a 50mm lens bayonet mount. According to the text of the box it comes, the construction should take between one and two hours. The kit includes all necessary parts and a small Phillips screwdriver jewelry. The only part is preassembled assembly shutter / mirror. leather pieces in three colors (black, white and red), are included as well as a sheet of colored stickers to customize the camera once assembly is completed. Lomography is a registered trademark of Lomographische AG (Austria). Lomography Society International promotes the use of recreational cameras and"" lo-fi"" . The first of these cameras, which named the company, was a copy of the Cosina CX-2 sold by Lomo St. Petersburg, Russia: LC-A. Since then, many have been promoted capricious and intentionally defective cameras along with an aesthetic of"" shoot from the hip"" . Considered a modern impressionist art movement, or as a simple (and effective) marketing ploy, Lomography has attracted a large number of international followers around their"" 10 rules"" presented below. As diminishing stocks of the Lomo LC-A and other products Russian Lomo, LSI began increasingly to commission their own original designs. Many of them are related in some way with historical cameras, as its Chinese clone of the LC-A, the LC-A +, or Diana Plus, a recreation of the Hong Kong Diana sixties and seventies. While lomografía images are often presented with particularly intense colors and unconventional, that is usually the result of processing crossed film rather than an inherent quality camera or any particular lens.

Reference: #3259

  • Made in: brand
  • Brand: brand