Book 'History of Photography in Spain until the twenty-first century'

    Book 'History of Photography in Spain until the twenty-first century'
    Book 'History of Photography in Spain until the twenty-first century'
    Book 'History of Photography in Spain until the twenty-first century'
    Book 'History of Photography in Spain until the twenty-first century'
    Book 'History of Photography in Spain until the twenty-first century'
    Book 'History of Photography in Spain until the twenty-first century'

HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY IN SPAIN TO THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Book history of photography in Spain Publio LOPEZ MONDEJAS photography and society from its origins to the twenty-first century. commemorative edition of the 25th anniversary of the 2005 publishing LUNWERG; photographs until 2004

Reference: #9021

  • Dating: 2004
  • Made in: brand